Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Little About Me

My name is Litzi Alcantar, and I am currently 18 years old. I was born on September 5, 1998 in Venustiano Carranza, Mexico. Then moved to California when I was only nine months old. After living in Avenal, California for sixteen in a half years we later then moved to Yoakum, Texas during the summer of 2015. I have four siblings; their names are Ayendili, Alfredo, Diego, and Gael. My sister is currently attending California State University Long Beach, Alfredo is a junior in high school, Diego is a fifth grader, and Gael is in kindergarten. Things I like to do when I am not in school is; clean my apartment, organize my clothes, go out for a swim, or even go for a run. My favorite sport to play is soccer, because it's a really interesting and competitive sport to play. I have been playing soccer since my sophomore year of high school and absolutely loved it ever since then. I played for almost two years at Avenal High School. Then when I moved to Yoakum, Texas I played soccer for my last season of my senior year in high school. I really enjoyed playing this sport because I got the chance to meet  lot of amazing people due to the fact that we all had one thing in common, soccer. One of my absolutely favorite series to watch is Grey’s Anatomy, I have watched all 12 season. Now I am anxiously waiting for the new season to come out this September. Watching this series really made me think about what I wanted to major in college. Most people would get grossed out because of all the realistic incidents and blood the series would show, but to me it was interesting to see how surgeons worked together to make sure the all patients were stable. My future goals is to transfer to Texas A&M University, earn my BSN(Bachelors of Science in Nursing), and maybe then try to apply to medical school.


  1. Litzi, Not sure what's going on here, but you have LOADS of blank white space under your post. Check on that. You can easily close that gap using the backspace or delete key on your computer. Also, I think it's pretty cool that you were inspired to pursue nursing because of your favorite TV program. At least, that's what I inferred from reading your post. I was a huge fan of the show SEINFELD when I was in high school, and something about that show made me want to pursue writing. I think it's because I loved the dialogue so much. In closing, happy belated birthday!

    1. I love the idea of soccer I like playing soccer too my cousins from New Jersey play all year long and taught me now obviously I'm not as good as them but one day I hope I can be better than them

  2. I want to go to Texas A&M and get a BSN also! thats so great that someone else at Blinn wants to do this also!!

  3. I want to go to Texas A&M and get a BSN also! thats so great that someone else at Blinn wants to do this also!!

  4. I want to major in nursing also, Grey's Anatomy is really an interesting show.

  5. I want to major in nursing also, Grey's Anatomy is really an interesting show.

  6. It's exciting that your favorite show is Grey's Anatomy, because mine is too. lol we can talk about it.

  7. It's exciting that your favorite show is Grey's Anatomy, because mine is too. lol we can talk about it.

  8. Litzi, my favorite show is also Grey's, it comes on Thursday, I can't wait. We both was born in September mine is the 13th.
